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I created a script that you can run in your console on Facebook that will help you delete all your Facebook posts in a page.
I had an old page that I wanted to repurpose. Its links linked to a website that is no longer there. But to delete posts one by one … uh … I’d rather write code that did that for me.
The reason why I created this is because all the options I found online didn’t work.
They required you to use Publishing Tools, which has been deprecated (in non-programmer English, that means it’s obsolete and no longer there).
There’s also another suggestion about going to Creator Studio to delete all posts. Here’s a website with a good guide. Try this first.
But for some reason, I can’t see ALL the posts there, so I couldn’t delete it that way.
I’d suggest you try the above methods before you try the script. The script works but it’s not something for beginners to use.
How to use:
- Open the Facebook page in which you want to delete ALL posts
- Go to your browser’s console
- Paste in this code and run it.
- Leave it to run
How to improve it (aka shortcomings):
- This code will crash if you have something that does not have a “Delete post” options. For example, a cover photo post.
— In this case, just hide that post, refresh and re-run the script.
— if someone would like to write code that will skip the element, please go ahead and fork my code.
You can probably write a function that goes throughdocument.querySelectorAll("div[aria-label='Actions for this post']")
and goes to the next item on the NodeList if [0] doesn’t have a “Delete post” option.
Alternatively, just write an if-else statement that hides that post and reruns the script.
- Code uses timers instead of callbacks. Every element needs to be loaded, so I put timers instead of callbacks. The justification is that it’s easier this way even though the code is definitely not my proudest moment.
let menuButton;
setInterval(() => {
menuButton = document.querySelector(
"div[aria-label='Actions for this post']"
setTimeout(() => {
let deletePost = document.evaluate(
"//span[text()='Delete post']",
let deletePostElement = deletePost.iterateNext();
setTimeout(() => {;
setTimeout(() => {
let deleteModal = document.evaluate(
let deleteModalElement = deleteModal.iterateNext();
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 5000);
}, 6000);
}, 5000);
}, 3000); //lets the menu load
}, 25000);
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